Native American Zuni Fetishes

At Kachina House we carry a vast selection of Native American Zuni fetishes. Crafted and accented with natural materials we offer unique objects of art and craft.

Fetishes are carved into different animals and supernatural spirits, each a significant symbol to the Zuni people. The animals and spirits depicted through these fetishes were believed to have certain characteristics that could be transferred into the carvings themselves. If you owned a fetish, you would then inherit the respective properties that your fetish represents. However, until the carving is blessed by a Zuni spiritual leader, it remains an intricately carved piece of art.

Some animals have important symbolic characteristics that are relatively consistent; however, the spirit of the fetish can be interpreted in many ways depending on the individual owner’s perspective.

Badger (south) - known as healers, also possessed aggressiveness and perseverance

Bear (west) - also a symbol for healing, and displayed strength, courage and introspection

Beaver- encouraged and supported family unity

Buffalo- displays strength and promotes endurance to rise above your weaknesses

Coyote (east) - encourages humor and the ability to laugh at yourself

Deer - represent a gentle nature and abundance in the natural world

Eagle (zenith or sky) - this magnificent creature is highly regarded as a spirit and holds a strong connection to the Divine

Fox - is talented hiding with camouflage and represents protection

Frog - signifies fertility and also appeals to the spirits to bring rain

Horse - represents strong partnerships and unwavering stamina, along with keen mobility and strength

Mole (nadir or underworld) - a protector and hunter of the underground

Mountain Lion (north) - possesses leadership and shows true resourcefulness

Owl - known for its wisdom, intelligence and patience

Ram - encourages male fertility

Raven - a true healer, a trickster

Snake- a force that occurs in life, death and rebirth

Turtle - symbolizes longevity and promises rainfall

Wolf (east) - the teacher of all and the pathfinder on the journey of survival

Most carvings are made from stone, though for centuries the Zuni people have carved many for personal use from different materials such as wood, antler, shell, clay, coral and even silver. They believe that the spirits of the animals can act as messengers to the gods and provide them with protection from various evils in the world as well as promote the benefits of other elements.

As you will see with pieces offered here at Kachina House, the animals are sometimes depicted with bundles of shells, stones, arrowheads, feathers and other symbolic elements. These bundles are offerings that the animal spirit will carry to the gods on behalf of the owner of the fetish. However, it is said that only the pure of heart will be able to stir the spirits with any true power.

Though many Native American Indian tribes use fetishes, the Zuni are recognized to be the most gifted and prolific carvers of these fascinating artifacts. If you are unable to find a particular Zuni fetish here, just email us and we’ll search our extensive collection of fetishes from our talented Zuni artists for you.

Carvings marked with a double asterisk are special and were created by Herbert Halate from the alabaster he used for Donald "Doc" Sharp's headstone. Carvings marked with a single asterisk are from Donald's personal collection. Doc was a Zuni fetish trader, dear friend, teacher and pathfinder for many of us. He will be missed in the industry and mostly by everyone he touched in his life.

Kachina House is the largest distributor of Native American arts and crafts in Arizona. At our showroom/warehouse in Sedona, AZ, you will find more products on display than we can post on our website. Our products are high-quality and handcrafted; we pride ourselves on offering unique products and the best customer service. If you have questions, we urge you to call us toll free at 800-304-3290 or drop us an email. We always like to hear from our customers.

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