Lester Honanveama

Lester Honanveama (1981-- ) from Moenkopi, Third Mesa, AZ. He has been carving since the age of 14. Lester is a very traditional Hopi man and has deep respect for his culture and the belief system of the Hopi people. He has no favorites as far as carvings. He believes they are all important and he loves to share them with everyone. He carves to keep the Hopi traditions and teachings alive. Lester learned how to carve by watching and sitting with Watson and Delbridge Honanie. Lester works with his wife Kara Honanie, with Lester doing all the carving and Kara doing the beautiful painting.

Lester Honanveama (1981-- ) from Moenkopi, Third Mesa, AZ. He has been carving since the age of 14. Lester is a very traditional Hopi man and has deep respect for his culture and the belief system of the Hopi people. He has no favorites as far as carvings. He believes they are all important and he loves to share them with everyone. He carves to keep the Hopi traditions and teachings alive. Lester learned how to carve by watching and sitting with Watson and Delbridge Honanie. Lester works with his wife Kara Honanie, with Lester doing all the carving and Kara doing the beautiful painting.

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