Native American Pipes

At Kachina House, we carry a vast selection of Native American ceremonial pipes, handmade by artists from various tribes. The pipes we carry are fully-functional native american ceremonial pipes, handcrafted by Navajo, Santee Sioux, and Apache artisans.

We offer social pipes and ceremonial pipes. We have antler pipes, brass pipes, totem pipes and pipestone pipes; all are completely functional.

Tribal chiefs and medicine men use sacred peace pipes in ceremonial events to honor Spirits of the past and the future and to ask blessings for peace for the universe. These traditionally sacred pipes are made of wood covered with either rawhide or buckskin and fringe. Deer or elk horn is often used for the bowl and mouthpiece. A medicine bag or medicine wheel is sometimes attached.

Traditional Native American peace pipe ceremonies have three people in attendance. The Medicine Man and two warring Chiefs. The medicine man brings the center of the pipe to the ceremony, and each chief brings either the bowl or the mouthpiece. Without all three parties coming to the meeting there would be no pipe and therefore, no peace. Hence, the peace pipe. These traditional 3-piece peace pipes are generally NOT for sale by traders; they are sacred ceremonial pipes. The pipes we carry are fully functional Native American ceremonial pipes, NOT peace pipes. Our pipes are made by Navajo, Santee Sioux, and Apache people.

Kachina House is the largest distributor of Native American arts and crafts in Arizona. At our showroom/warehouse in Sedona, AZ, you will find more products on display than we can post on our website. Our products are high-quality and handcrafted; we pride ourselves on offering unique products and the best customer service. If you have questions, we urge you to call us toll free at 800-304-3290 or drop us an email. We always like to hear from our customers.

Items 1-24 of 28

  1. Special Price $14.00 Regular Price $15.00
    Native American Made Small Social Pipe

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