Native American Cochiti Made Storyteller with Eighteen Little Ones


Native American Cochiti Made Storyteller with Eighteen Little Ones by Vangie Suina

This large, classic storyteller was handbuilt and handpainted by Vangie Suina from Cochiti, NM. This woman is sitting with eighteen little ones. The children all seem to be enjoying her stories of their culture. The storyteller is an adaptation of centuries-old creations in figurine pottery. Cultural traditions and values have historically been passed on by tribal elders through songs an stories geared to teaching the young. It is in these delightful representations that the intense love of the Native American Indians for their children is most clearly shown. This is an older piece by Juanita and is in pristine condition. This storyteller was acquired from a private collector.


7 in. tall x 4.5 in. deep


Vangie Suina--8470

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