Old Style Hopi Carved Wupamo Traditional Guard Kachina Doll (Katsina Doll)


Old Style Hopi Carved Wupamo Traditional Guard Katsina Doll by Raynard Lalo

Wupamo appears on all three Mesas as a guard. He carries whips for those who misbehave. He appears in the Powamu procession making sure there are no stragglers. On First Mesa he is one of the Furious Katsinam and is often restrained by the Koyemsi. Wupamo also enforces community work such as cleaning the springs. This is an important Katsina. Sean did a great job on this piece; he is carrying his whips as well as a bundle of corn on cobs.


12.25 in. tall complete


Raynard Lalo--7720

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