Native American Navajo Rugs
At Kachina House we carry a small selection of Native American Navajo rugs, handmade by Navajo weavers using hand-dyed wool.
The Navajo Creation story states that Spider Woman taught the Navajo people how to weave Navajo rugs. The early Navajo rugs and weavings were made for utilitarian purposes—traditional dresses, wearing blankets, and saddle blankets. It was not until the end of the 19th century that Navajo rug artists began to create weavings for sale.
Navajo rug weaving is a form of artistic expression. Many traditional Navajo rug patterns have been associated since the 1920s with specific areas of the Navajo reservation, promoted by Trading Posts. Some identifiable Navajo rug patterns include Burntwater, Chief’s Blanket, Chinle, Crystal, Ganado, Klagetoh, Teec Nos Pos, Two Grey Hills, Wide Ruins, Yei & Yeibichai, and more.
Kachina House is the largest distributor of Native American arts and crafts in Arizona. At our showroom/warehouse in Sedona, AZ, you will find more products on display than we can post on our website. Our products are high-quality and handcrafted; we pride ourselves on offering unique products and the best customer service. If you have questions, we urge you to call us toll free at 800-304-3290 or drop us an email. We always like to hear from our customers.