Native American Made Cactus Kachina Doll


Native American Made Cactus Kachina Doll by Sammie Walker (Navajo-Hopi)

Prickly Pear Fruit (Yung'a or yunya or Nawuk'china). As a Katsina, he appeared just prior to the turn of the 20th century and was personated only a few times on First Mesa. He has been perpetuated more through the use of dolls than in dances. His function on Third Mesa was to ensure the cleaning of the springs, but on First Mesa he seems to have appeared primarily in the Soyohim. He appears with Prickly Pear fruit paddles as a headdress. This is a wonderful piece that is created in a style that is unusual today. Very few of the artists make the Native American dolls this way. The action is wonderful and the carving, painting and details are very accurate.


16.25 in. tall


Sammie Walker--6813

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