0ld Style Hopi Carved Cross-Legged Handicapped Kachina Doll (Katsina Doll)


Old Style Hopi Carved Cross-Legged Handicapped Katsina Doll by Lester Honanveama

The Cross-Legged (Huhuwa) is the spirit of a man from Second Mesa, probably Mishongnovi, who has some crippling disease that has left him barely able to walk. Despite this handicap he was so cheerful and eager to help others that he continues among the Hopi as a Katsina. He often appears hobbling about during ceremony, chattering. He is probably chosen more often as a gift-giving Katsina at Powamu than any other Katsina. He is noted for his remarks, which are always humorous. He imitates the dialects of the various villages and the funny things the villagers have done. His clothes are always ragged. He is always greeted with delight by all who see him.


7 in. tall


Lester Honanveama--0211

Special Price $130.00 Regular Price $195.00
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