Native American Hopi Carved Red Tail Hawk Guard Kachina Doll (Katsina Doll)
Native American Hopi Carved Red Tail Hawk Guard Katsina Doll by Patrick Howard
As a general rule, the Red Tail Hawk (Palakwayo) can appear individually, where it functions as sergeant-at-arms or policeman. In this role they either enforce an action, such as community cleaning, or act as guards to prevent the approach of anyone or anything to the proximity of a location or ceremony. When the Red Tail Hawk appears with other Guard or Warrior Katsinam in a group, it is functioning as a warrior. The Red Tail Hawks surround the more sacred Katsinam as a small but ferocious army of fearsome creatures. This is an outstanding carving by Patrick. The motion in the wings and the flip at the ends of the feathers are wonderful...and difficult to create.
11.25 in. tall x 13 in. wingspan
Patrick Howard--8051
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