Native American Hopi Carved Hu Whipper Katsina Doll


Native American Hopi Carved Hu Whipper Katsina Doll by D'Armon Kootswatewa

The Whipper Katsina appears in different colors representing the different directions. The Crow Mother is the mother of the Hu Katsinam and she appears with them to aid in the whipping of the children at ceremonies. The Hu whips the initiates and when their yucca whips wear out the Crow Mother takes them and supplies new ones. These Katsinam appear at Angk'wa (mainly at Third Mesa) and are also responsible for maintaining order during the ceremony. Since the Hu is a whipper, he also punishes clowns, children, and people when they misbehave. This is a beautiful carving by D'Armon and the motion in the sash is amazing.


10.5 in. tall


D'Armon Kootswatewa--0467

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