Native American Hopi Carved Corn Maiden Katsina Doll


Native American Hopi Carved Corn Maiden Katsina Doll by Sandra Suhu

Of all the women who appear with other Katsinam, the Katsina Maiden, or Katsinmana, is the most prevalent. If she is carrying blue corn, she is known as the Blue Corn Maiden, similarly yellow corn, etc. She appears at Soyal ceremony and marks the beginning of the Katsina season by marking the openings to the Kivas with cornmeal. She often appears in regular Katsina dances with household goods, accompanied by Long Haired Katsinam. Her presence is a prayer for corn. She also honors Mother Earth and her continuing ability to feed her children. Placing this Katsina in your home, particularly on an altar, shows respect for the many gifts we receive each day from Mother Earth. This gentle maiden reminds us always to be thankful. A Katsina Maiden often will change her name to that of the Katsina with whom she is dancing, although her appearance does not change. "Yellow Corn Maiden appears with a variety of Katsinam; Angak'china, Ma'alo, Pawik and others. She may sometimes be seen with the Kocha Mana. They dance in a line separate from the other Katsinam but following the same pattern of dance, turning as the others do, gesturing as they do. Their only deviation is when they kneel and place large gourds on the ground to rasp."


7 in. tall


Sandra Suhu--8490

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