Mata Ortiz Handbuilt and Handpainted Turtle Effigies

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Mata Ortiz Handbuilt and Handpainted Turtle Effigies by Martha Hernandez

Effigy pots are recreations of ancient vessels that were found in and around the Paquime/Casas Grandes region of Chihuahua, Mexico. It is believed that these pieces were created to depict the birds and animal life that were so important to the people. These turtles are beautifully done including the unique patterns on the backs of each one. The turtle, in many Native cultures, is believed to not only represent long life and water, but also it is said that the we are living on the back of a turtle. Patterns will vary.


approx 4 in. long x 3.75 in. wide


Martha Hernandez--3851

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